Cause-driven strategies + technology built for nonprofits
The need to “work from anywhere” has been a constant for nonprofits. Whether a large organization with affiliates spread around the globe, or a small network of volunteers without a centralized office, the successful nonprofit has always found ways to connect and collaborate. From filing cabinets and phone calls, to cloud storage and social networks, these processes have become both more powerful and more complex.
Our cause-driven strategies, plus technology built for nonprofits, work to simplify these systems – for effortless communication, collaboration, and connection!

How we help
Planning and technology selection
Remote workspace configuration
Data collection and management (CRM)
Website design (CMS)
Online training and certification tools (LMS)
Software, system, and user support
WordPress websites + CiviCRM
Google Workspace Integration

Who we help
Arts Organizations
Children & Family Services
Education Foundations
Environmental Initiatives
Mental Health Associations
People with Disabilities Advocacy Groups
Political Action & Policy Makers
Religious & Spiritual Centers
Senior Service Organizations
State & Local Agencies
…and more